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"Finding what you want on the Internet can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, about the only thing growing faster than the Net itself is the number of online search tools to help you track down whatever it is you're looking for. But which tool is really the best? Where should you go first?"

look for: software, e-mail, meta searches, web, collections, boolean help

Or try my: frequently used search engines



  • MESA MetaEmailSearchAgent. The following email-searchengines are queried in parallel: Populus, IAF, suchen.de, SwissInfo, Yahoo People Search, Bigfoot
  • WhoWhere?! Millions of e-mail adresses.
  • Internet Address Finder


  • metacrawler may send your query to several Web search engines, including AltaVista, Excite, GoTo.com, Infoseek, LookSmart, Lycos, Thunderstone, and WebCrawler.
  • Suchen.com gut konfigurierbare Metasuchmaschine. Parallele Suche in bis zu 36 Suchmaschinen
  • HotBot one of the biggest collections of dead linx and somtimes this bot is very, very slow from Germany (Sigh!)
  • SavvySearch is faster than HotBot
  • AccuFind a CUSI style engine

Web search and catalogs

  • Yahoo
  • Alta Vista Don't miss the advanced search
  • excite not a real search engine site, you automaticly get additional information (stock, news, weather, sports)
  • Infoseek is a site like excite. Never could stand that commercial style
  • Naughty Linx hey, don't waste your time
  • Deja News - Query Form Looking for a news-group-posting?
  • Lycos guide to the Internet, including a very large catalog of URLs, a directory of the most popular sites, critical reviews of the Web's top sites, real-time news links and on-target editorial content.
  • WebCrawler acts as an agent, searching for documents of particular interest to the user. In doing so, it draws upon the knowledge accumulated in its index and some simple strategies to bias the search toward interesting material. In this sense, it is a lot like the Fish search, although it operates network-wide.
  • Goto (formerly WWWW - World Wide Web Worm) Now it's recreation stuff
  • Search Magellan is an online directory of reviewed and rated Internet sites. Produced by The McKinley Group and bought from excite.
  • InfoHiway I do like the Sitemapper, which is a graphical view of a site with hyperlinks for faster surfing.
  • Virtual Library
  • deutsche maschinen:
    • web.de Das deutsche Internet Verzeichnis
    • Fireball ehemals Flipper Home Page
    • DINO bietet ein themenspezifisch strukturiertes Ordnungssystem, das nur deutschsprachige Informationsangebote enthält.


  • Suchfibel Katalog ist ein durchsuchbares Verzeichnis spezieller deutschsprachiger Suchmaschinen, Kataloge, Verzeichnisse und Linksammlungen.
  • Inter-Links is an Internet navigator, resource locator, and tutorial.
  • Internet Recherche Agenten Eine sehr unfassende, thematisch und hierarchisch gegliederte Suchmaschienenseite
  • All-in-One Search Page This page is a compilation of various forms-based search tools found on the Internet
  • W3 Search Enginescollects some of the most useful search engines
  • Database of 197 Web Robots (@20.4.99), a linklist without comments
  • Clearinghouse subject-oriented collection
  • MEGASOURCES lots of engines compiled by D. Tudor Professor, School of Journalism, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada

Register, subway, ...


AND Example: environmental AND measurement.
Finds pages containing both environmental and measurement.
OR Example: mobile OR gaschromatography.
Finds pages containing mobile OR those containing gaschromatography OR those containing both mobile and gaschromatography.
NOT Example: analysis NOT mathe.
Finds pages containing analysis but NOT mathe.
"..." Example: "mobile GC/MS".
Finds only those pages containing the phrase "mobile GC/MS". For two word phrases AND has the same effect.
(...) Example: mobile NOT (phone OR phase).
Finds pages containing mobile but NOT mobile phone or mobile phase.

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